Hushaaru Review, Hushaaru Rating

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Hushaaru is the new medium comedy cum love based cinema. It arrive on December 14 along with KGF, Odiyan and some other films to test its luck. Tejus Kancherla, Abhinav Medishetti, Hemal Ingle and many other actors are acted.

Bekkem Venugopal managed the money matters. Raj Thota worked as DOP, Vijay Vardhan K handled the editing works. Sree Harsha K pull the whole team as a director. Vijay Vardhan Kavuri handled the editing department. For review, rating, story and public talk visitors can see below.

Hushaaru Movie Cast:

Tejus Kancherla
Dinesh Tej
Rahul Ramakrishna

Hushaaru Movie Crew:

Director: Sree Harsha Konuganti
Editor: Vijay Vardhan Kavuri
Cinematography: Raj Thota
Music: Radhan and Sunny M R
Producer: B Venugopal
Release Date: 14 December 2018
Language: Telugu

Hushaaru Movie Story Line:

Story moves around 4 friends, who move forwards without and dream. But at a point of time their life totally chances due a strong incident. What is that incident? What happened next? To know watch movie.


All lead actors delivered decent acting on screen. Double meaning words will attract all youth and evoke some comedy. Director failed to pick up fresh story and screenplay. All audiences can guess what happened next.

Plus Points:


Minus Points:

Old story

Hushaaru Movie Rating: 2.5/5

Husharu Movie Overview:

Movie offers nothing new to people. But some scenes and dialogues will connect to youth. Family type audiences can skip the film from weekend list.

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