Nuvvunte Naa Jathaga Movie, Cast, Crew, Story, Trailer, Release Date


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Nuvvunte Naa Jathaga is the upcoming new low budget emotional movie. Makers already released the first look, teaser and now launched the official trailer. In this director showcased love, sadness and emotion. Through this Sreekanth B and Geethika Ratan both are testing their luck on big screen for the first time.

Movie is proudly presenting by Sai Akshaya Productions. Songs were penned by Dishesh Goud Kakkerla and Vfx work handling by Chaithanya. Suma K is supporting the movie by funding the project. Sanjay Karlapudi is pulling the direction department.

Nuvvunte Naa Jathaga Movie Cast:

Sreekanth B

Geethika Ratan

Nuvvunte Naa Jathaga Movie Crew:

Director: Sanjay K

Producer: Suma K

Editor: Sanjay K

DOP: Sukumar A

Language: Telugu

Nuvvunte Naa Jathaga Movie Official Trailer:

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