Power Star Vakeel Saab Trailer All Set to Create A Never Before Record


Power Star Vakeel Saab Trailer All Set to Create A Never Before Record - saycinema

Even Power Star has taken three year gap, his popularity, craze not even decreased a bit. He stepped back to cinema and coming as Vakeel Saab. We all know official trailer out yesterday evening and pushed the fans into the world of happiness.

As per news VS trailer sub pressed the Baahubali 2 and Sye Raa by touching the 21 Million views and still counting with more than 1M likes that too in less then 24 hours. These records are never before appeared for a single trailer in TFI. These digits are saying the stamina of Power Star.

Director Sriram Venu was filled the trailer with action, sad and court scenes. Especially last dialogue which was came from the mouth of Pawan blast like a big cracker at the end of the trailer. Director also merged the couple commercial scenes without disturbing the storyline to match the PK craze.

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